Live life to the fullest, give back to our earth, & eat food that makes you sing.

I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and Celebrity Holistic Private Chef, with a passion for helping clients implement sustainable shifts based on what works for them individually. I partner with farmers and growers in order to support community growth, foster client-to-grower relationships, and to promote eating seasonally.

Let’s grow together

Hungry for knowledge.

As a professionally trained Chef, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and Reiki Practitioner, I have dedicated my career to equip myself with the knowledge and tools required to help my clients meet their unique health goals.

Whole food. Whole body.

My whole health approach accounts for the physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, and spiritual components in one’s life. I have helped our top celebrities reach their full health potential including: Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Alicia Silverstone, Andrew Garfield, Gerard Butler, Amy Adams, Greg Berlanti, Nick Jonas, and many more.

Let’s talk.

I focus on bio-individual counseling for whole-person well-being. Let’s get intentional about your holistic health needs.